Thursday, October 21, 2010

Goldilocks ran amok!

This is what happened when my EYL (English for Young Learners) teacher gave us "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" story and let us used our wildest imagination to make interesting teaching media.

They have to much time in their hands to make these puppets...

My group!! We made those masks for teaching speaking (role play) and create the letter and envelope for teaching writing (pretend to be Goldilocks and write an apologize letter to the bears)

Reads the direction and follows where Goldilocks goes!

(This is for teaching reading, obviously...)

Goldilocks! Monopoly version

You choose one of those puppets above as your character, toss the dice and, like in monopoly, count where you'd end up. If you somehow end in 'Cheese', you have to make a sentence with your character=subject + one of the verb in the middle of the monopoly board + "Cheese"=object (e.g. Goldilocks ate the cheese)

Very good for vocabulary and grammar (sentence structure)!

No doubt, this is for vocabulary lesson

and this one too...

Btw, you play this like when you play "concentration" game on computer

I got video record too. However, the one took it concentrated more on people than the media... ckckck, boys...

That's it. See you in the next post!!

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